
HNV-Link network currently unites 13 partners, involving local action groups, advisory bodies, education and research institutions, as well as two networking organisations. Ten partners of the HNV-Link network are associated with and responsible for the network’s ten Learning Areas.

  • Centre International des Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM-IAMM)

    Centre International des Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM-IAMM) – France

    Centre International des Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM-IAMM) is an Intergovernmental Organization with a General Secretariat based in Paris and 4 Mediterranean Agronomic Institutes located in Italy, Greece, France and Spain. The CIHEAM-IAMM is currently involved in 90 transnational projects, mobilizing nearly 50 countries, involving a total of more than 600 different organizations and research centers. The fields of expertise of the Institute in Montpellier (CIHEAM-IAMM) cover the Mediterranean Basin and are related to agricultural policies, rural development, food systems and the organization of value chains, resource management and agro-environment, quality mark (organic, geographical indications, labels of sustainability) and land tenure. It coordinates permanent Euro-Mediterranean networks, among others on food security and agro pastoralism.


    CIHEAM-IAMM is coordinating HNV-Link network

  • European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

    European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP) – United Kingdom

    The European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP) is the only European network dedicated primarily to halting the decline of the extensive farming systems that created and maintain ecologically valuable grasslands and silvopastoral systems. Composed of some 65 member organisations in over 20 countries, the Forum's main objective is to achieve a viable economic future for High Nature Value farming across Europe. EFNCP is specialised in improving the knowledge base on the relationship between farming and natural capital, and how this relationship is influenced by public policies on the ground.


    EFNCP is the lead partner in "Learning from grassroots" Workpackage.

    Responsible for:

  • University of Evora, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas

    University of Evora, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas – Portugal

    The Institute for Mediterranean Agrarian and Environmental Sciences (ICAAM) is the major research unit at the University of Évora, Portugal. The mission of ICAAM is to develop research for assessing and supporting the sustainability of Mediterranean agriculture and related ecosystems - from field and farm to policies. ICAAM research is grounded in an interdisciplinary and multilevel approach to agriculture and rural territories as well as their associated processes and environmental, social and economic impacts. The main research strands are Efficiency in the use of production factors; Agri-food products quality and added value; and Ecosystem integrity and landscape multifunctionality. ICAAM has been building a strong science and policy interface for the last 20 years within the Alentejo region, where High Nature Value farming systems are common.


    Responsible for:

  • University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj Napoca

    Department of Economic Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca – Romania

    The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania has a long tradition in the life sciences at higher education level and research, and is ranked 5th among the "first class" universities of "advanced research and education" in Romania. The multidisciplinary research team is managed by the Department of Economic Sciences - one of the leading Romanian research facilities in rural development, agricultural policies and agribusiness. It has an extensive expertise in assessing long-term sustainability of HNV farming practices.


    Responsible for:

  • Society for Territorial and Environmental Prosperity (STEP)

    Society for Territorial and Environmental Prosperity (STEP) – Bulgaria

    The Society for Territorial and Environmental Prosperity (STEP) works towards achieving sustainability in rural development and rural economy. STEP team consists of experts with long-term experience in the fields of HNV farming, agri-environment, rural development, nature conservation and environmental protection, and the related policies, as well as experts with specialized legal expertise and strong project management experience. As a team, STEP believes that the prosperity of society is based on the wise use of natural resources of the territory we inhabit. STEP is convinced that pragmatic and mutually beneficial solutions can be achieved only with the participation of all members of the community and is aware that finding the key to good decisions requires time and effort of many different layers of the society. STEP works in the region of Western Stara planina with local stakeholders – farmers, livestock breeders, authorities, civil society organisations and local people to develop a more sustainable future for local natural resources and common pastures in particular. In 2015, STEP led a campaign to assemble the Bulgarian “upward cascade of ideas”, which drew upon the concerns and hopes of rural people and contributed to the Manifesto of the European Rural Parliament. STEP has a close collaboration with the University of National and World Economy and with the National Union of Small Family Farmers and Processors.


    Responsible for:

  • County Administrative Board of Dalsland – Sweden

    County Administrative Board of Dalsland – Sweden

    The County Administrative Board of Dalsland is a Swedish national authority and has a unique position in the democratic system. It is a link between people and the municipalities of Dalsland on the one hand, and between the government, Parliament and national authorities on the other. The County Administrative Board is the most versatile of Sweden’s authorities: its issues and its competences cover the entire social span. It has lawyers, biologists, architects, foresters, engineers, public relations officers, archaeologists, veterinarians, sociologists, economists and many others. It put a lot of time into the long-term conservation efforts and the ongoing environmental monitoring. Cooperation in various forms also takes place with countries outside the EU. The county collaborates with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.


    Responsible for:

  • Application des Sciences de l‘Action (AScA) – France

    Application des Sciences de l‘Action (AScA) – France

    Applications des Sciences de l'Action (AScA) is a consultancy company based in Paris specialising in economy, rural development, resource management and public policies. Its role is to mobilize technical knowledge that can contribute to sustainable management of natural resources in decision-making process lacking stakeholder unanimity. AScA mobilizes expertise in the fields of economy, sociology, geography, history, environmental management, law and agricultural sciences. Most of AScA's interventions are based on innovative interdisciplinarity. One of AScA's characteristics is to operate at different levels: from local projects to national or EU policies. In France, it is a leading company at the interface of research and policy making in its fields of expertise. AScA is also a leading company in future studies in rural development and agriculture.


    AScA is the Lead Partner in the “Assessment” Work package.

  • Institute of Technology Sligo

    Institute of Technology Sligo, Centre for Environmental Research Innovation and Sustainability – Ireland

    The Institute of Technology Sligo (IT Sligo) in the North West of Ireland provides a broad range of educational and research programmes. The institute has extensive multidisciplinary expertise in the area of innovation and knowledge transfer across our research centers. Its Centre for Environmental Research Innovation and Sustainability (CERIS) and Department of Environmental Science have a long track record in environment education, training and research. CERIS focuses on interdisciplinary research in the areas of applied ecology and natural resource management. The Centre has a range of ongoing national and EU applied research project aimed at promoting sustainable management in HNV farmland.


    Responsible for:

  • University of Thessaly

    University of Thessaly, Department of planning and regional development – Greece

    The University of Thessaly states its mission as the promotion of scientific knowledge through research, and contributing to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. It is known for its excellent research performance assessed against international standards. The members of the academic and research staff participate in European research networks and numerous innovative research projects within the European Union.


    Responsible for:

  • University of Helsinki (UH)

    University of Helsinki (UH), Department of Agricultural Sciences – Finland

    The University of Helsinki (UH) is the main academic institution in the country renowned for its quality research and teaching. Department of Agricultural Studies focuses on applied research with emphasis on sustainable use of natural resources within agricultural systems. Among its strategic objectives are to promote social innovations as a key element in forming the future, to develop new lifelong learning models, and to increase international education export. The Department's agroecology group has expertise and skills in development and implementation of innovative learning approaches, also those engaging stakeholders, both nationally and internationally. With its focus on biodiversity state and functioning in farmland, the group also contributes to preservation of HNV farmland in the country.


    The University of Helsinki is the lead partner in "Dissemination" Workpackage

  • Local action group LAG 5 – Croatia

    Local action group LAG 5 – Croatia

    LAG 5 is an NGO founded to implement the LEADER programme in south Croatia. It operates in a territory of 5166 km2 in Dubrovnik-Neretva County, comprising coastal, island and peninsular territories. Its activities encompass preparation and implementation of CLLD local development strategies, implementation of the LEADER approach, development of networks of partners in the LAG 5 area, education and training of members, promotion of the concept of sustainable development, and promotion of youth and social entrepreneurship as a model of sustainable rural development. LAG 5 collaborates with the Faculty of Economics at Split University, The Dubrovnik-Neretva Development Agency and the Croatian LEADER Network.


    Responsible for:

  • Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels Languedoc-Roussillon

    Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels Languedoc-Roussillon (CEN L-R) – France

    CEN L-R is one of 30 members in the French federation of organisations responsible for conservation of natural areas. It contributes to the preservation of natural and semi-natural areas by knowledge transfer, land purchases and agreements, land management and awareness raising on natural heritage. Its mission is to contribute to sustainable land management through empowering of owners and users in natural heritage areas and contributing to the renewal of the relationship between agriculture and biodiversity. CEN L-R manages more than 10 000 ha of extensive Mediterranean agroecosystems, including Natura 2000 sites. CEN L-R has expertise in ecological and agro-environmental diagnosis. It harnesses collaboration among many stakeholders: landowners, farmers, students, technicians, teachers, decision makers in the implementation of public policies for biodiversity and agri-environmental practices. It animates a network of natural area managers to exchange ecological practices and promote HNV territories.

    Web: and

    Responsible for:

  • Entretantos

    Fundación Entretantos – Spain

    Entretantos is a non-profit organization created by a cluster of professionals and entrepreneurs who share a common background and know-how in subjects related to environmental management, participation, communication and education, mainly in rural environments. We work in Castilla y León, Spain, on projects related to nature conservation, commons management, extensive cattle farming and sustainable development plans. Entretantos is committed to continue exploring, investigating and developing participatory tools and aims to become a methodological, technical and quality reference centre in these subjects. We develop training and ground roots projects to improve not only the quality of participative processes but also the capacity, training and operating conditions of participating actors.


    Responsible for: